Friday, January 27, 2012

When you started to eat a vegan diet, when did you notice a difference of how you felt?

Today I started a Vegan diet and just ate my first all vegan meal. i dont really feel satisfied, but i know that will change. I decided to do this to be healthier and to not feel so sluggish all the time. How old were you when you started your vegan life style?

after how long til you started to feel better?

any other benefits?

also what are you favorite vegan meals?

sorry for all the questions!When you started to eat a vegan diet, when did you notice a difference of how you felt?
Hey! I'm 14 years old and i'd been a vegetarian for years, then I became obsessed with nutrition and health, I researched the vegan diet and how to do it right. Now i'm a vegan and I feel great!! I definitely notice a difference, I feel very awake and full of energy, and happier! i've also noticed a difference in my physical appearance, clearer skin, healthier nails and hair and I'm happier with my body.

You say you didn't feel satisfied, this is probably normal if you are used to heavy meats and dairy products. Try this, make a healthy meal filled with fiber and protein (which will keep you full) and eat slowly, stop eating when you are satisfied. This is a great rule to go by because that's how your body should be treated, not shoving food down after you're full or depriving yourself. You'll get used to this vegan diet and you'll feel great!

Make sure that you don't become iron deficient or b12 deficient which are things that vegans tend to be lacking. This can make you feel dizzy, sluggish and tired. It's smart to take a supplement.

Make sure to eat lots of whole grains, nuts, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables. Get a good amount of protein, calcium, iron, vitamin D, b12, fiber and healthy fats. Eat lots of whole foods compared to processed! You can easily be a unhealthy vegan seeing that lots of junk food is vegan.

Stay away from trans fats, bad saturated fats (coconut is a good saturated fat), non-whole grain food, sugar, highly processed foods, weird additives and preservatives, artificial colors, sweeteners and flavors. Read ingredients! You'll know if something is healthy or not.

I recommend reading veganist, it's a great book that will tell you a lot about how the vegan diet benefits your body and prevents lots of diseases and illnesses! it was the book that initially sent me on a passionate vegan adventure (also the book that turned oprah vegan!)

Check out my vegan blog, I have some recipes, awesome vegan grocery products and lots more

http://thecoastalvegan.blogspot.comWhen you started to eat a vegan diet, when did you notice a difference of how you felt?
I mainly stick to natural foods. I'm not sure what you're eating, but you should be eating lots of fruits and vegetables. They are full of fiber and will fill you up. Occasionally I help myself to a treat. Like tonight for example, I had vegan Sloppy Joes.

After about a week a veganism I noticed my energy was through the roof.
I have yet to feel a difference. (a year and a half of veganism)

The only noticeable change has been that my acne is completely gone now.. whereas before I would have quite an unfortunate acne problem with my omnivore diet.When you started to eat a vegan diet, when did you notice a difference of how you felt?
Congrats, I'm a vegan and I went vegan at age 13 (3 months ago lol) I felt really good after 2 weeks and I love vegan ice cream haha
I noticed a difference as soon as I stopped puking!When you started to eat a vegan diet, when did you notice a difference of how you felt?
If I don't eat meat I feel weak.Keep the steaks coming!
All I notice is that I got better skin condition!
last year
Why Are People Vegetarians or Vegans?

People usually have different reasons for becoming vegetarians or vegans. Some follow vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diets mostly for health reasons. For instance, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains tends to be lower in fat/cholesterol, which is good for your heart and body. It's also likely to be a high fiber diet. Then there are the people who choose a strict vegan diet for ethical reasons, health reasons and/or environmental reasons. No matter what the reason being a vegan or vegetarian does not in any way limit a person's lifestyle choice or deprive a person of anything that a non-vegetarian might have.


Everyone needs variety in their diets to stay healthy and to keep their taste buds happy. Vegans perhaps need even more diversity in their diets to cover all of their nutritional needs. However, getting the proper vegan nutrition is not difficult.

What Is Tempeh?

Tempeh is a healthy and delicious meat alternative that not enough Americans are eating. It is firm and hearty in a way that tofu is not, and with more protein and fiber, it's better for you, too.

How to Make Seitan

Seitan is gaining popularity amongst vegans and vegetarians, partly because it contains so much protein, and partly because the texture is often considered preferable to tofu or tempeh..

The key to a nutritious and interesting vegan diet is variety. Vegan daily menus should feature different fruits, grains and vegetables not only on a daily basis, but on a meal by meal basis. While variety is good in any type of diet, vegan or not, variety is particularly necessary for a vegan to make sure that you get the proper protein and other nutritional requirements that you need to be healthy.

Vegan Daily Menu: Breakfast

Fresh Fruit

Breakfast Burritos

Ingredients You Will Need:

陆 lb. firm tofu, crumbled

陆 to 戮 cup chopped vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, etc.)

录 chopped onion

录 to 陆 minced garlic clove, as needed

Salt and pepper

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

3 tortillas

Salsa, Tabasco or hot sauce

Heat tortillas.

In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil. Saut茅 onions and garlic until soft for about three minutes. Add vegetables, tofu, salt and pepper and cook until vegetables are at desired doneness. Fold into tortillas and garnish with salsa, Tabasco or hot sauce.

Makes about three servings

Variations: Add some cumin to spice things up. Fry some crumbled faux sausage and add to tofu mix.

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