Friday, January 27, 2012

Is it possible to be overweight on a vegan diet?

Supposing you didn't have any genetic disorders or were on any medication which made you put weight on and you eating normal portions, is it possible to be overweight on a vegan diet?Is it possible to be overweight on a vegan diet?
Yes, it is possible to be overweight and eating normal only maintains weight, so if you were an abnormal weight before then yes.Is it possible to be overweight on a vegan diet?
If you are eating the type of foods that are high in calories all the time, then yes, certainly it's possible. That's no different to any other diet in that respect. If you ate nothing but corn chips, fries and Coke for example, it's pretty obvious that weight gain would follow pretty quick.

Weight being more stable on a plant based diet is usually due to the intake of more whole foods - i.e. foods which have not been processed for high fat and sugar content. Vegans tend to eat more of these. That's not to say that all vegans have no problems with weight, but generally it's the case that vegans can manage their weight easier.
Your choice of which food to eat is quite irrelevant regarding whether or not your waistline increases or decreases. The ONLY thing that matters when watching your weight is:

Calories in vs calories out.

a normal portion is Texas, USA is different from a normal portion in central Honduras or northern Russia. Everyone on Earth has some kind of genetic disorder, because we have yet to perfect the manipulation of human DNA in attempts in human cloning programs (the ones no ones supposed to know about).

I've been vegan for over 8 years. I started overweight (although not obese), and am still overweight today. In that time, some years I dropped 20 Kg, putting me in the healthy range, other years I put on more, putting me just slightly over the imaginary line into obese. Truth is, people find a comfort zone, and regardless of what they do in their life, 9 times out of 10 they will remain in the weight range they were when they entered adulthood. A few have the inner strength and will power to change their habits, and a few will find their will power deteriorate, their waistline increase gradually and steadily, and one day find themself on telethon.

Being on a vegan diet invariably improves your health and well being, by making your organs function more effectively, making your skin smoother, cleaner, stronger, and clearer, making your senses more refined, better eyesight, better hearing, better sense of smell, and more sensitive sense of touch. You feel like you have more energy and vitality, and most importantly you feel happier and peaceful. It generally does all these things to people who get on it and stay on it, but does not always affect those people's waistlines.

Calories in vs calories out. If your goal is to lose weight, that's all you need to know!Is it possible to be overweight on a vegan diet?
Veganism is not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Going vegan implies long-term, permanent changes to your eating (and other) habits.

As with any 'diet', there can be too much of a good thing. I know overweight/obese vegans but that's because they eat too many/too large portions. Moderation and regular exercise are key to maintaining a good body weight.

For more information for eating vegan and being overweight, please see this chapter from Davis and Melina's book 'Becoming Vegan'.
Yes, there are a number of fatty foods as well. I am from Hong Kong and although some Buddhist temples serve vegan food for visitors, some of the plates aren't as healthy as they sound. For example, deep-fried Tofu, which uses and absorbs a lot of vegetable oil - fat. Nuts are also rather fatty foods too.

It may be less likely to become overweight on a vegan diet, but I stress that it is less likely, not impossible. Lack of exercise will contribute greatly to becoming overweight too. So don't go thinking that being a vegan will let you get away from exercise!Is it possible to be overweight on a vegan diet?
Well, I was overweight when I switched from omnivore to vegan five years ago at age 39. I lost weight through attending my local gym four times a week for eight months. Then I moved and was cycling a total of ten miles a day Mon to Fri and the weight stayed off. Then I moved again and was neither cycling as much nor attending a gym, so the weight came back on, since my job was sedentary. Now I'm back at the gym trying to fight the flab.
I put on half a stone eating crappy vegan food over xmas... and the other day i tried a new (not)chocolate bar which was very small and a small chocolate dip with bread sticks... these two tiny food items came to over 500 cals together, their real chocolate equivalents i doubt would come to that.

But even eating a very healthy vegan diet... if your consuming more cals than you're burning you're gonna put on weight...

That being said it is harder, as when eating a healthy vegan diet your metabolism is working better. But fat vegans are usually scoffin a lot of vegan junk food.
YES of course.

1) Too much food, too much fat etc.

2) Too little exercise

What is normal portions????

US,UK,Canada all eat way too much cooked %26amp; overly refined foods.

I see many fat Veggies %26amp; Vegans. When their diets are examined they are not eating enough fresh, raw, natural foods. They do too many of the packaged V%26amp;V food. Those are very high in FATS.

1st step eat a huge fresh Salad lunch %26amp; dinner as 1st course(with a modest amount of quality dressing), then a low-fat veggie dish, whole grain rice or potato. Count your fat grams, keep it in the 20% or lower range.

Eat little or no per-made packaged foods.
yes you can be overweight on any diet, even though nuts are healthy they are full of calories and oil for roasting veg is fattening if you use too much, alcohol is also fattening, unfortunately no one can get away with over doing it with fats,
Hah! im 13 years old, 5ft2 and 195 lbs. im on a strict vegan diet, eventually, ill get leaner, but it is definetley possible to be like me on a vegan diet
It is possible, but if you eat a varied vegan diet with the right amount of grains, nut and vegetables it's pretty unlikely.
Yep .
Yes if you eat too much fat and don't get enough exercise you can be overweight on any diet.
yes you can get over weight if you over gorge on anything because if you eat too much then it will be turned in to fat.
yes if your not eating a balanced diet and exercising enough they you can be fat on any diet
It's very unlikely in the scenario you've given.
*cough* I am *cough*

I used to eat a ton of junk food, but now I'm eating healthier. And I have lost weight.
Yes, I meet a vegan with a obesity a while back. It's pretty rare though.
Though it's harder, it is possible. Mint N Cream Oreos and Lays Potato Chips are vegan for heaven's sake.
Yes. There is still junk and fat's in a vegan diet.
of course a major result of mal nutrition.
yes...just add some meat to the diet will help loose weight.
Yes it is.
  • redlobster
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