Friday, January 27, 2012

Is it true that vegan diet causes your muscles to atrophy?

I was reading a medical journal that said a vegan diet causes muscles to atrophy. It said the lack of complete proteins in a vegan diet causes muscles to waste away. Is this why vegans lack the muscle tone of someone who is eating a well balanced diet?Is it true that vegan diet causes your muscles to atrophy?
Let me guess. You are, in fact, Foxhunter Guy. Your account was closed down by Yahoo and so you opened a new one with a new name.


EDIT- Reported me and andielep for what?! Lol. You make me laugh. Which is amazing, considering all the muscles laughter uses, and I haven't eaten meat in 14 years. I'm a freakin' miracle child, I am.Is it true that vegan diet causes your muscles to atrophy?
Eating meat at every meal is not a balanced diet ask me another! A Vegan can get protein from Spelt, beans,lentils pulses and mushrooms!

BTW if you were to post a picture of yourself would it be of a large bald man in his 50s throttling an animal? (Just a hunch, but were you FHG? Your questions are spookily similar! And enquiring minds need to know!!)

It IS you FHG!! Aw, Princess he reported us!! Just like old times eh?
Vegans should take vitamin and mineral suppliments to make up for what they lack in their dietIs it true that vegan diet causes your muscles to atrophy?
any diet that lacks protein and iron is trouble to muscle tissue.
Well I guess if you are ignorant about what you are putting in your body and have very little physical activity, this could potentially happen to anyone. Vegans are generally pretty good about their protein intake because they know that they have to be.Is it true that vegan diet causes your muscles to atrophy?

I don't know what "medical journal" you have been reading, but, as any nutritionist since the 1950s will tell you, the important thing for vegetarians and vegans is to get the right mix of proteins, which involves eating a mixture of the right food groups. It used to be believed that you have to eat all these groups in the same meal, but now it is known that the body stores them for days and so, as long as you have a relatively balanced diet, you don't have to eat all the groups in the same meal.

This information is well known and can be found on the Internet within 5 minutes.
No this is not at all true. Perhaps the journal you were reading was outdated? You may want to check the year...anything before 1970 I would has come a long way and most scientists today know vegetarian and vegan diets are, in fact, very healthy and complete.
There are ways to combine foods in a vegan diet so that you're consuming "complete proteins" but many vegans don't combine their foods properly in order for this to occur. The problem is not the vegan diet. It's the lack of knowledge some vegans have in preparing their meals to intake the proper amount of complete proteins.

We call this "altered statistics" and many medical journal articles have them because they're not taking all necessary facts/information into account. Also, just because something was published doesn't make it accurate. There are many different opinions and it's not hard to find supporting evidence for almost any idea or possibility.
Many vegan bodybuilders would beg to differ.
* * * ANOTHER NUTTER * * *

Look at its A to another Q about Tofu -

"Studies continue to show that tofu increases the risk of breast cancer in women, damage brain function in men and lead to hidden developmental ab-normalities in infants.

I just recently finished reading a medical journal warning about the dangers of tofu."

...mmh... you seem to be reading a lot of medical journals. ha ha ha ...

Vote it outta' here!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unless you are a qualified nutritionist don't come on here and tell people what they need or don't need nutritionally. You QUACK, charlatan; mountebank.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PROTEIN DIFFICENCY among any healthy people in the Western World, including vegans. We all eat too much protein. In fact I will reward or pay any **** on this website who can post any evidence of a protein deficiency amongst vegetarians being reported in any medical journal.

Oh and Iron, vegans are not deficient in this either, nor b12. Iron needs Vitamin C to be absorbed by the body. Vit C only comes from plant not animal. So Big meat eaters who eat no fruit would suffer an Iron deficiency.
This is not true. Astrophy occurs because of lack of muscle use.
Better check with experts but then the medical journals must know something too. With a diet like that you have to be cautious to have all the vitamins needed. My grandson is a vegan and doing fine.
You're foxhunter_guy in disguise aren't you? Don't you have anything better to do with your life?
Not sure i can answer this without "insulting other participants", but i'll have a go.....


There you go, managed it.
It really depends on how you eat as a vegan or vegetarian.

My muscles did start to atrophy when I first started eating vegetarian because I wasn't being smart about the way I ate, and didn't realize how much protein my body really needed. I was so concerned with not being at a loss of iron that my diet wasn't fully complete.

Now I suppliment with sprulina protein shakes in the morning, and am eating a more protein dense tofu, as well as looking for other foods with protein in it.

If you are looking to be a body builder and need 100 to 300 grams of protein a day while bulking up, it's true that it would be more then hard, but even the average body builder, when not getting ready for a show can endure a few well balanced, protein rich vegetarian meals with out losing their muscle gains. This is what I cook for my husband when he is not getting ready for a show, and he does just fine.

I am new on this site and also a vegan-so I thought i would reply to this-this is not true, my dad has been a vegan for 26years, he was a professional footballer back in the 70's/80's, he is a personal trainer, and qualified nutrisionist, he owned his owned gym and took up bodybuiliding, he was extremely strong and his muscles grew, and this is all while he is still vegan, i know this is not your view and was a genuine question so i don't blame you for asking but other people who no nothing about veganism and want to comment on it really should read up about it and they may be surprised, u don't always see the skinny frail people u may think u will c, u c healthy people!

And why is it also percieved that if u r eating meat and dairy u r eating a well balanced diet-what about the choloestrol and dair well cow鈥檚 milk and dairy products are neither natural nor healthy, in fact they are harmful to health and have been linked to a wide range of illnesses and diseases.
You're asking the random masses of Yahoo Answers to check the accuracy of a medical journal?

Personally, I'd trust the medical journal. Unless you find another reliable source that says differently, then I'd contact an expert in the field.

This piece of info doesn't surprise me at all. It's possible to eat a vegan diet and stay fit and healthy, but I believe that too many people simply jump on the bandwagon without thinking deeply about it and acquiring the necessary information on the protein, vitamin, mineral and other essential content of the food they are eating.

Humans were not designed to be herbivores.
Pretty much, yes. It takes a lot of very careful meal planning to consume all of the essential amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D, and K) your body needs to maintain muscle tone (as well as more basic functions like enzyme production) if you do not eat any animal-based foods. Even then, the protein intake may not be sufficient to promote tissue growth. As a result, a vegan diet is not recommeded for anyone who is growing (ie children and pregnant women) or for women who are breast-feeding their infants.

(side note: Vitamin and protein suppliments are not absorbed the same way that the nutrients in your food are, and so may not fully make up for the nutrients you are lacking in your everyday diet. Talk to a licenced nutritionist for more information.)
no!, it turns you into AREA 51 ZOMBIE!!!
All I can say is that they deserve nothing more.

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