Monday, January 30, 2012

Vegan diet?

im about to embark on a vegan diet, im 25, been a vegetarian my whole and life, and some minor health issues have prompted me to take the next step and become a vegan, i wanted to know if vegans can eat white rice aswell as brown?..........also any other vegans out there that have felt the health benefits from being a vegan? thanksVegan diet?
Vegan diet is really no different than a vegetarian diet. That is till you start to add 'lacto' or 'ovo' in front of the word.

If you have been eating a vegetarian diet - you have been eating a 'vegan' diet.Vegan diet?
Interesting, I'm vegan by medical necessity. I have a genetic metabolic condition. I have to avoid protein. What are your health issues? I'm genuinely interested, no judgements here.
vegan's cannot eat anything that comes from animals such as meat or dairy products, so if it doesn't come from an animal you can eat it.Vegan diet?
No vegan is 100% cruelty free, no matter how much we try to avoid animal (bi)products, in our society much is not vegan without us even really knowing it. By process, even things like rubber and white sugar are not actually vegan. Becoming vegan really is a lifelong journey, as you're constantly finding new products that aren't technically vegan, and if you go far enough into many products, you can probably find that it is in some way not vegan. The best anyone can do is to strive to keep as much blood as possible off of our hands.

As far as I know, white rice is vegan, though it is not environmentally friendly (fertilizers/pesticides kill wildlife, and it's grown with cow poo that releases methane gas when in contact with so much water).

Basically, just do the best that you can do, and take your transition into veganism as slowly or as quickly as is comfortable for you.

Vegan power!
Yes, you can eat white rice as well as brown. It is just that the brown is more complex and is more fibrous. In short it is better for you so I encourage you to acclimate to eating it.

As for the whites just eat it when you are going out to eat and their is no other alternative. Save the white rice making at home for when you are making sticky rice which is better for desert dishes.

Yes, I have experienced tremendous benefit from going vegan. Mostly it was the giving up of diary that I could feel the difference. Diary is mucus causing and for my whole life till I when vegan long enough I could not breath out of both nostrils.

Now I am able sniff up both nostril at almost any given time. Also the diary would make me more susceptible to inflection and I have heard there is also a correlation between diary and cancer, especially breast cancer.

As for the egg I never really like it anyway and it is too high in cholesterol. And unless you are getting free range you are getting all kinds of wicked stress and growth hormones.

Honey was the hardest for me because I did not feel any negative impact from it. Also insects tend to be more alien to us and I really did not know about the process. I did find out the commercial bees live a much shorter lives because they are always trying to make up the short fall. Basically they work themselves to death.

Besides this they also often kill the queen bee and replace her to bump up production. There is also crushing, smoke damage, entrails that get ripped out from stinging the bee keepers during harvesting.

In short try agave instead. It is super yummie and close to in cost with the honey. Occasionally I'll just deal with it if it is in some bread and I don't have another option.

I sincerely wish you the best on your new path of veganism. I hope my comments were of help.

Take Care : )Vegan diet?
i'm twenty and while i ate fish and dairy, i did not eat meat (cow, poultry, pig, etc...) for 8 years before cutting off dairy as well. The transition for me was due to health issues as well, but the strange thing is that when I cut off dairy, i actually got sicker. It took awhile for me to realize that the large amounts of soy I was ingesting were the most damaging to my body. Soy actually acts like a hormone and can cause autoimmune disorders and thyroid issues, and were making me incredibly sick. Now I stay away from meat, dairy, AND soy (or at least consume in very small amounts) and I've never felt better! As for the rice question, only YOU know what's right for YOUR body, and cutting off certain foods just because someone tells you that you have to in order to be considered a vegan is just not healthy. Make the choices for yourself based on what you and your body need to survive, be happy, and be healthy!

best of luck.
White rice is vegan, though most do brown as its health benefits are greater (just make sure "white" products are not bleached and full of preservatives as I would imagine this is contrary to what you are trying to attain for you're health)
Both white and brown rice are completely vegan, and a good carbohydrate source. However, brown rice has health benefits that far outweigh those of white rice, and I would recommend sticking with brown rice.

Good luck going vegan!
White rice is vegan, but many veg*ans prefer brown because it's got more nutrients and fiber that are stripped away to make white rice. I will eat white rice if that's all a restaurant offers, but I prefer brown.

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