Monday, January 30, 2012

Is a Vegan diet the most healthy diet in the world?

Is a Vegan diet with a lot of raw fresh pressed juices the best diet? I want to know because I have been thinking about becoming Vegan mainly for the health and longevity benefits, but I want to know if its truly that much better than an organic unprocessed diet that includes meat?Is a Vegan diet the most healthy diet in the world?
The healthiest diet in the world is any where you get sufficient nutrients, minerals and energy without having to eat too much of anything. I'd say generally speaking any diet where processed foods are avoided, raw fruits and vegies are abundant and fibre intake is sufficient will be good enough whether it contains meats or not. However there are other factors involved in diet beyond health, so for that reason I'd urge you to go vegan. Eating organic meats will still have a more significant impact on the environment than eating no meats, and while it may seem irrelevant right now water security in our country depends on us reducing how much is used. Less water is required to produce crops than livestock, so that is how we should prioritise our diets in Australia.Is a Vegan diet the most healthy diet in the world?
I have been a vegan for about a year now, and I love it. To be honest, I love meat, fish, etc. But I became vegan for the health benefits, and I don't miss meat at all. Vegans definitely are healthier than meat eaters, so it probably is the healthiest diet. Just make sure you get the calcium and protein that you need since vegans don't eat meat or dairy products such as yogurt, milk, eggs, etc. There have been recent studies saying that meat is bad for human consumption. Being vegan has benefits in beauty, too. For example, vegans tend to have better skin and look younger. Ellen DeGeneres is a vegan and she is 53 years old, but she doesn't look a day over 35. Well anyway, I hope I could provide some helpful information for you!

Check out these websites for more info:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
All things considered, a WELL BALANCED diet, omnivore, vegetarian, vegan or any of the other "-rian" diets that have popped up of late is ultimately the healthiest. No one and I mean no one can absolutely claim one diet is better than another. Anyone who does is either absolutely lying or very much misinformed by propaganda "studies" or both.

One poster is right. Japan, a heavy seafood eating nation, has been found to be the healthiest major society in the world. The next 5 countries in the list are also meat eating societies. Your country, Australia is in the top ten. India on the other hand, a country where it is estimated that 35-50% of the population are vegetarians/vegans, ranks 134th (out of 192 surveyed countries). Even obese United States ranks 23rd.

Western based vegans can be healthy only because of the luxury they enjoy when it comes to food choices. They can literally eat anything grown all over the world, anytime some completely with fortified this or that nutrient that would otherwise be inadequate.

All the major health groups in the US, from the American Heart Association to the Mayo Clinic to the American Dietetic Association include meat as part of their healthy shopping list and diet guidelines.

If you want to be a vegan go for it. That'd your choice. But if you are expecting miracles then you will be disappointed. Why? Because it sounds like you are already healthy now and as the saying goes "if ain't broke, why fix it?"Is a Vegan diet the most healthy diet in the world?
The best diet in the world is a well balanced diet. I was Vegan for 4 long years to test it out. I am a triathlete and marathon runner and my diet could not keep up with my bodies metabolic system in those conditions burning huge numbers of calories. But the main reason I cracked my diet was I was backpacking for a while by myself. I really got wrapped up in the beauty of nature and how everything works within it and suddenly I became so thankful that God has provided food for me, be it plant or animal. I still don't eat red meat or processed meats. Mostly chicken and fish.

Good luck to you. Being Vegan is fun if you can revolve your life around it. I am much happier being an omnivore, and feel much better too.
I agree with the guy below (perfect wave). thats basically what I did. I feel better, much better actually eating meat again. ... But honestly, you dont have to consume it all the time. Cause it is acidic. And meat (all meat) has things that you cant get from plant life either. I honestly think it depends on how you feel.. But for cleansing. For sure, eliminate the meats go raw. Go vegan. Do it up. But there comes a point when its like. OK. Im clean, now what do I do. lol...Now you gotta build yoourself up, is what you gotta do. And for me it was adding meats again, and not worrying about not cooking my veggies or cooking them. Just eat ,live and feel good. :)) ...And understand for sure. That most of the "natural" lol foods you will be buying from your health food store, Is actually in fact, hybridized. So what do you do!! Add in as much of foods that are bitter (medicinal). Like dandelions, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries.Is a Vegan diet the most healthy diet in the world?
raw diet is the healthiest. it's how god (or whatever you believe in) intended us to eat. no chemicals, no hormones, no force-fed animals, no sodium, fake sugars, none of that crap. just food how it was intended to be.
The Japanese have the longest lifespan on Earth. They are for the most part Omnivores. Not only do they eat meat, they eat some of it raw. Along with lots of seafood.
It depends on how you're following it. If you eat nothing but fake meat and soy ice cream, then no, it's not that best. But veganism can definitely be extremely healthy as long as you're doing it the right way.

Try eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, grains, beans, ect. Follow the vegan food pyramid:鈥?/a>

There really is no "best diet in the world". It depends on your own eating habits and what you decide to eat.
personally speaking I know the best, most healthy diet HANDS DOWN is a raw food diet.

I would never have shouted its praises. I heard about it and just thought , Oh my god it sounds so cold and hard to manage, and don't you get terrible tummy ache, all that raw hard food?

But I was in a situation where I had nothing to eat but raw fresh food once for about a month. I couldn't cook but had access to local fruit and veg markets- with dried lentils and chickpeas and all those things.

So I did it, I have NEVEr felt so amazing, so full of ENERGY, and completely differne than I've ever felt.

I would NEVER have known that a human body is meant to wake up feeling really fresh and pumped with energy and NOT sluggish, and a bit bloated.

I would NEVER have known that a human body is not supoosed to feel bloated.

I would NEVER have known what it's like to have regular bowel movements on time, very healthy stuff ( sorry!!!) and without any straining or wainting around.

I would NEVEr have known that I could eat til full, and not feel stuff and lethargic. I don't know if that makes sense, but every time you eat a lot, you feel sleepy and full- this never happens eating raw. Adn it's not because you don't eat much ) I pig out on LOTs of food. It's just the raw food is not bloated with water or overcooking, making it soggy and without any live nutirents to help your body digest.

Anyway, thsi sounds like a rant. I'm just saying, I wouldn't have known about how fit, healthy, glowing and light you feel doing raw food, and you really can eat all you want.

And I eat lentisl, breads, chickpeas, oatmeal, all raw, as well as fruit, veg, solft creamy hummous, pita bread ( raw), cereals, soups, all kinds of stuff.
Not by a long shot. In order to be the healthiest you can be you need to have at least one serving of meat a day.
Doctors are proving over and over again that a low fat vegan diet is the best thing for humans.

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