Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is a good resource for starting a vegan diet?

My mother has been having health problems and a couple people have suggested starting a vegan diet. I can imagine that this is not something that is easily done overnight. Does anyone know of any good books or other resources that can help her gradually move into this lifestyle?What is a good resource for starting a vegan diet?

Try the web sites below:-









Lots of Love

Misscpb xxxWhat is a good resource for starting a vegan diet?
VeganHealth has lots of good information on a wide range of vegan issues and is well worth checking out: http://www.veganhealth.org/

Also check out the Vegan Society's newly revamped website: http://www.vegansociety.com/

Nutrients that vegans need to pay particular attention to are protein, iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. First of all - meat alternatives, soymilk, beans (pulses), peas (lentils), houmous, tofu, almonds, nut butters, oatmeal and rice are great for protein. Vegan sources of iron include fortified cereals, wholegrains, nuts, seeds and some root vegetables such as beetroot. Vitamin B12 is found in fortified soymilk, fortified cereals and nutritional yeast. Pouring fortified soymilk over fortified cereal every morning is a good way to ensure a healthy vitamin B12 intake. Vitamin D is added (by law) to spreads, and there are lots of vegan spreads out there. In the UK, Vitalite spread is a vegan and has added B12. You can get vitamin D by eating fortified soy desserts and spreads, and spending 15 minutes a day exposed to natural light (not necessarily sunlight).

Encourage your mother to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Variety is the spice of life. Most people make the switch to a strict vegetarian diet over a period of time. Maybe invest in some good vegan cookbooks for recipe ideas and search the net, there are literally thousands of recipes out there free from animal products. 'How It All Vegan' and 'Vegan with a Vengeance' are very good books - very accessible reading and not too difficult to prepare the dishes. ~Wishing her the best of luck~What is a good resource for starting a vegan diet?
hey try these books

the kind life by alicia silverstone n in defense of food n the omnivores dilemma by micheal pollan

"eat food. not too much. mostly plants."

movies food inc n food beware



also track cals n water daily at http://livestrong.com

twiceamonth get these 3 things from like wholefoods

ablueberriesbox 1mediumwatermelon n 3cucumbers

thats all gluck


also i guess just look at my answer here


n maybe check these vegan blogs

Bittersweet. FatFree Vegan Kitchen. QuarryGirl. SuperVegan. The Discerning Brute. The Urban Housewife. Vegan Dad. Vegan.com. Vegansaurus. VegCooking. VegDaily. Veggywood. veganyumyum.What is a good resource for starting a vegan diet?

Skinny B*tch (geared towards young people, but has excellent condensed information and recipes.)

Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating

These both really helped me when I began vegan :)

Good luck.
www.vrg.org is a good website

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