Friday, January 27, 2012

How much money per month would it cost for one person to be on a vegan diet?

i'm thinking of becoming a vegan, but i'd have to buy my own food. about how much money per month would it cost for one person to be on a vegan diet? if you could give me your guesstimate of the price on both the lower and higher ends. thanks.How much money per month would it cost for one person to be on a vegan diet?
I feed a family of 3 on a mostly organic, vegan diet (with the exception of organic yogurt and cheese for my baby and the very occasional non-vegetarian food for my husband - who is not veg) for $300 a month. No processed foods, TV dinners, etc - I make most of my food from absolute scratch. I make my own veggie burgers, I make my own pizza dough, bake my own cookies and bars, make my own snacks and trail mix. I love cooking.

I buy organic fruits and veggies at Trader Joe's ($50 a week every Saturday gets me absolutely stocked for 1 - 2 weeks in just about everything); I get organic beans, flour and harder to find organic items at Whole Foods ($40 a month at most for these staples, they're super cheap and last longer). I also shop at a local Chinese market, I can get a 2 pound bag of bean sprouts for $1.50, for instance.

Most of our income goes into savings and paying off bills, including medical bills (unfortunately, they hound you to death for being sick in America).How much money per month would it cost for one person to be on a vegan diet?
same as you would if you weren't a vegan. around $400 i guess.
It all depends on which foods you buy. Vegan meat substitutes are usually very expensive so if you are on a strict budget, you should stick with beans, tofu, nuts, rice and other grains, veggies, fruits, breads, pastas, etc.

It also depends on how much you eat out.

Overall I spend about 250-300 dollars a month but I rarely eat out and I sometimes buy vegan meat substitutes but not often.How much money per month would it cost for one person to be on a vegan diet?
Much less expensive than an omni diet if you avoid all that processed fake meat stuff, and vegan cheese. Vegies/fruits/beans are soooo much less expensive than meat! And you can get dried TVP really cheap too, and just soak it yourself. :)

I also eat a lot of pasta and noodles; very cheap+tasty at the same time.
cheap cheap cheap!

for one person, it costs about $200 at the max. For me and my husband. its about $200

so no meat, no dairy, not processed food that has meat or dairy. - sounds cheap to me.

Get your self a good vegan cook book, and try it. Get veganomican, I love that book.

buy in bulk = beans and grains.

cook more at home

make more for dinner so you can eat it the next day for lunch.

You need to buy beans, grains, veggie and fruit. - your staple foods are very cheap.

save money and be healthy.

if you need more advice write. -How much money per month would it cost for one person to be on a vegan diet?
wow if you people are spending 300 dollars a month for yourself you must eat A a vegetarian and i usually spend about $50.. i would say at the very most i spend 70 dollars a month on food. i usually get things like pita pockets, salad greens and dressings, brown rice, fresh spices( parsley and cilantro) fresh veggies, granola bars, cereal, fresh fruits, dried fruits, juice, a few frozen meals( burritos or lasagne), sometimes canned beans if i get lazy,and lots lots more. i even treat myself to expensive items sometimes.

-buy food in bulk...larger bags are cheaper in the long run

-when you buy beans, buy them dry.. one can is almost as much as a whole dry bag

-buy fresh veggies steam them, then freeze them for up to 4 months

-things like peanut butter and jelly will last a long time.. remember that!
yes i'd have to agree with the person who said "about the same as if you weren't a vegan." your budget would be the same, if not less, since meat, seafood and the like, typically cost a lot more than vegetables.

people feel that vegans need "special food" from health food stores, which usually cost more. but this is just not true! it can be so simple, and also cheap! to be vegan.

to start you off, here is a list i found online, of things you can stock your home with:

you'll see that a lot of these things are really affordable and not so "special" at all. hope this helps! :)
It would depend upon how much cooking you are willing to do and your stock.

Once you stock up on items you probably don't have now you can get by for as little as $50 per month.

Go to

and buy the weimar New Start Cookbook. It's without a doubt the best vegan program I've seen.

I have attended the Weimar health program twice in California and taken their classes here in Florida and been on the lifestyle ever since.

You'll be amazed at how cheaply you can live using 'living foods'


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